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🍃 I want to live in a better place 🍂

 Since i was child, my father told me to not throw garbage to the ground (cookie wrappers, ice pallets, candy wrappers, etc). He told me "don't litter the places that correspond to all of us" and i think that is the best advice of life than i did get. Sometimes, i see how my friends are smoking a cigarette on the street and they just throw the cigarette butt to the ground. That's just makes me a little angry and immediately i pick up the cigarette butt and throw it to a trash bin. Then i replicate to him that's not correct and tell please to dont to do that again, it's not so hardly. Two years ago, i had to do an artistic homework, and i needed a lot of cigarettes butts to do it. So, i went to a place nearly of my house and searched in the ground cigarettes butts. In the end, i picked up arround 500 cigarettes butts of the ground and cleaned that place. It's was hard , but satisfactory for me. Maybe this not have a direct connection what i'm studying (...

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